lukaszcz / coqhammer

CoqHammer: An Automated Reasoning Hammer Tool for Coq - Proof Automation for Dependent Type Theory
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Feature Request: Environment to pre-populate lemmas into hammer. #152

Closed cbuschardt closed 1 year ago

cbuschardt commented 1 year ago

The prediction algorithm doesn't always identify the critical lemmas for the problem space. I'd love a way to manually add entries to merge with the result of "predict".

Lemma Z_div_step: forall u v k, v > 0 -> u / v = (u + v * k) / v - k. Proof. hammer AdditionalPredictions: Z.add_cancel_r, Z.sub_add.

The intent is to compose this into tactics related to specific problem domains.

lukaszcz commented 1 year ago

The hypotheses are not subject to premise selection: all of them are always passed to the ATPs. So you can achieve the effect you want by just adding the lemmas to the context:

Lemma Z_div_step:
forall u v k,
v > 0 -> u / v = (u + v * k) / v - k.
pose proof Z.add_cancel_r.
pose proof Z.sub_add.

Whether the ATPs will be able to make use of the translated hypotheses is a different matter.