lukaszliniewicz / Pandrator

Pandrator aspires to be a user-friendly app with a graphical interface and a one-click installer that creates high-quality speech from text in multiple languages (audiobooks, speech synchronised with subtitles and more) using local models (XTTS, Silero or VoiceCraft), plus voice cloning, LLM pre-processing, RVC enhancement, and automatic evaluation
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
110 stars 10 forks source link

urllib3.connection. HTTPConnection #18

Open cosanostratr opened 1 month ago

cosanostratr commented 1 month ago

Ekran Görüntüsü (9) Failed to connect to the local server: HTTPConnectionPool(host="localhost', port=8020): Maximum retries exceeded with url: /speakers list (Cause NewConnection€rrort'<urllib3.connection. HTTPConnection object 0x000001C549E54880>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Win€rror 10061] Because the target machine actively rejected the connection cannot be established))

i try localhost change and firewall unblock. but not work

lukaszliniewicz commented 1 month ago

Is the server running, can you access in your browser?

cosanostratr commented 1 month ago

i can't

razvanab commented 1 week ago

Same here. Some help, please.