lukaszliniewicz / Pandrator

Pandrator aspires to be a user-friendly app with a graphical interface and a one-click installer that creates high-quality speech from text in multiple languages (audiobooks, speech synchronised with subtitles and more) using local models (XTTS, Silero or VoiceCraft), plus voice cloning, LLM pre-processing, RVC enhancement, and automatic evaluation
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
126 stars 10 forks source link

How to install the VoiceCraft API Server? #20

Open SoftologyPro opened 2 months ago

SoftologyPro commented 2 months ago

XTTS is an easy install with pip install xtts-api-server and then start the server with python -m xtts_api_server

Silero is also an easy install with pip install silero-api-server and then run it with python -m silero_api_server

VoiceCraft does not seem to be that simple? Do you have a set of steps to install and start the server ready for use with Pandrator? Thanks.

lukaszliniewicz commented 2 months ago

Please look here for instructions: There is an executable to install and run the server.