lukaszmargielewski / EEG_BLE

Minimal EEG device with ADS1299 amplifier and NRF51822 Bluetooth LE chip
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Source code #1

Open Emid-norton opened 6 years ago

Emid-norton commented 6 years ago

Great project!! but where is source code? i can find schematic and PCB ,without source code . is it ok for develop? Best Regards.

MusaMahmood commented 6 years ago

I am using a similar design (using NRF52) with source code on my github: schematic/pcb: code:

Emid-norton commented 6 years ago

-Thanks lot for your reply, but i can't find any library ".c" in root folder. please refer to attatchment file:


MusaMahmood commented 6 years ago

You need to use nRF5 SDK 11.0.0, downloaded on your drive.

I have the folder installed under this directory: image

It should work with no issues then. Edit: Make sure directory matches this format: sdk_root/../../EEG_ADS1299_Firmware/

Emid-norton commented 5 years ago

i cant get your target: image

MusaMahmood commented 5 years ago

@Emid-norton Project files are under pca10040\s132\arm5_no_packs\bleapp_pca10040_s132.emproject

Also for my nRF52/ADS1299 project, you need to be using SDK 13.1.0, or it will not work. Note that I am using Segger Embedded Studio and not Keil uVision. The Keil project file will not work.

Hope that helps!

black commented 1 year ago


These links are broken. Can you please update them?