luke-gru / riml

Riml is a subset of VimL with some nice added features. It compiles to plain VimL.
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Syntax file for riml #3

Open dsawardekar opened 11 years ago

dsawardekar commented 11 years ago

This isn't a bug/issue. I have created a syntax highlighting file for riml. It's adapted from the coffeescript syntax file. It's pretty basic, but it looks ok with the Solarized theme.

If you have any suggestions please let me know.

luke-gru commented 11 years ago

Awesome! I was in the middle of writing on too, and it was very similar in that I based it off the coffeescript one too :smile:

I'll take a look at it and play around with it, and I'll be sure to send you some PRs if I find some issues.


dsawardekar commented 11 years ago

Thanks. Yeah Riml looks just like my Coffeescript to my eyes as well. I started out looking at the vim ruby syntax. But that single file has more Regex wizardry that I have seen before. :)

luke-gru commented 10 years ago

Hey @dsawardekar, I've been working on a new syntax file for riml, as I wanted to learn how to write one from scratch, and the riml.vim one was kind of buggy. I also created an indent file. I've created a new repository at luke-gru/vim-riml, but I am in no way competing with your riml.vim project :smile: . I'd be happy to merge it all into your project.

Also, vim-riml is not done, there's more to do regarding the syntax file, but it supports a few more syntax items.

dsawardekar commented 10 years ago

@luke-gru This is outstanding! Mine is basically a result of mucking around and copy pasting from the ruby and coffeescript syntax files. Half the time with my fingers crossed, :laughing: I even had the crazy idea of doing a language grammar to viml syntax compiler, just to avoid writing the Regexes. :hamster:

You should write a blog post about this. Writing a proper syntax file is something that is not well understood.

luke-gru commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I was surprised that there weren't any involved blog posts covering the more advanced features of vim syntax files. There are a couple of helpful tutorials out there for the basics, but I found the most useful thing was having this function in my .vimrc:

" Show syntax highlighting groups for word under cursor.
nnoremap <C-S-P> :call <SID>SynStack()<CR>
function! <SID>SynStack()
  if !exists("*synstack")
  echo map(synstack(line('.'), col('.')), 'synIDattr(v:val, "name")')
" /syntax groups

This function echoes the current syntax groups that the word under the cursor has. Without this function, it would have been impossible to do anything, really.

But yeah, I ended up still having to read most of pattern.txt and syntax.txt, and playing around a lot. I'd definitely blog about it, I need to get my own site up first :smile:

Maybe I'll contribute a piece to in the meantime.

dsawardekar commented 10 years ago

@luke-gru Good stuff, that is going straight into my vimrc!