lukeaschenbrenner / TxtNet-Browser

An app that lets you browse the web over SMS
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.1k stars 27 forks source link

Undefined behavior sending and receiving SMS when TxtNet Browser set as default SMS app #4

Open YourDLCMaster opened 2 years ago

YourDLCMaster commented 2 years ago

I just recently started using TxtNet and noticed that the app wasn't working in one of two ways. The first is if I set the app as the default SMS app, it sends one request and no more until you force-quit or reinstall the app, but if my stock SMS app stays the default, it sends every request, but even then there's still a problem. Upon request, the server will respond stating its number of processes and then sends a message reading @@@ì(è7n)OBjùZ+ßoüb¿dD¿!è-4@ù2uöw7Cp$uåVL2èvT?göü¤ß'R,pTå,ùlS5dZùSVän_ߧaBd5öe@bbFOI§gg>sXA>lA jUöAü§GYÑp>nKePàààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààààà and never sends any other site data. Only that string. Then, after about 1-3 responses, the server dies and stops responding altogether for a few minutes. It can be stopped and unstopped, but still sits dormant ignoring all requests.

Is this a server issue, should I have a US number or is there something else I'm doing wrong?

lukeaschenbrenner commented 2 years ago

Thank you for the report. That message indicates that the server's connection to the proxy server I am using behind the scenes was, for some reason, disconnected. Therefore, it is not a bug. Please do note, however, that as of now the entire server has been taken offline while I work on adding more Twilio credits and eventually transitioning the communication model to a peer-to-peer model. Secondly, I was not aware of the issue where, as a default SMS app, it does not send more than one message. I will investigate whether or not the usage of method stubs for default SMS functionality prevents the SMS messages from being received and stored into the SMS database by the Android system.

YourDLCMaster commented 1 year ago

Cool, thank you! Obviously I'm speaking on behalf of only myself, but take your time.