lukebemishprojects / ExcavatedVariants

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Ores not showing up anywhere #113

Closed Herobattler closed 1 year ago

Herobattler commented 1 year ago

What went wrong?

The ores neither populate the creative tab nor the world.





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lukebemish commented 1 year ago

Could you provide a log file please?

Herobattler commented 1 year ago


lukebemish commented 1 year ago

Hmm. I'd try deleting the Excavated Variants config, the defaultresources config if there is one, and the globalresources folder

Herobattler commented 1 year ago

Okay it works now, at least in the nether

lukebemish commented 1 year ago

Have you tried generating new chunks in the overworld? It only works there

Herobattler commented 1 year ago

I have a mod installed who makes all the ores spawn exclusively on the surface where stone meets air or cave air, could this be the reason that the ores rarely spawn or at all?

lukebemish commented 1 year ago

Possibly; it depends how that mod implements their changes, and whether they do it in a compatible way. Which mod? The way I implement stuff should be compatible with most mods.

Herobattler commented 1 year ago

the mod:

lukebemish commented 1 year ago

Could be; it's hard to tell. The easiest way to check is to remove that, start up a new world, and see if that changed it. I can't see any obvious causes for an incompatibility there though

Herobattler commented 1 year ago

The mod could check for any changes to the ore spawn rules and follow them as instructed if this is possible as a fix, basically pretending to be a part of the regular ores

lukebemish commented 1 year ago

This mods processor runs after ores have been placed. It should have nothing to do with mods that modify ore placement. Have you tried removing that mod and checking if it is actually an incompatibility?

Herobattler commented 1 year ago

I have and it works fine now, I was able to find some of the new ores. I know the cave spelunking mod is very compatible with modded ores, so I have no clue whats going on.

lukebemish commented 1 year ago

Yeah, I'm not sure either. My system is designed to not care about how ores are placed - are you sure you didn't just get unlucky? Excavated Variants doesn't replace stuff on chunk or section borders necessarily, for instance

Herobattler commented 1 year ago

Iam 100 percent sure, i was searching for minutes through all kinds of caves and hights, modded and vanilla and only the nether one while i was testing found some ore right away

lukebemish commented 1 year ago

I installed just DynAssetGen, Excavated Variants, and the mod you linked, all the latest versions for 1.19.2, and was unable to reproduce this issue; to clarify, are you seeing no ores at all or none of Excavated Variants' variants? And just to confirm, you did make a fresh world?

Herobattler commented 1 year ago

I was able to find some, however they seem to be very rare compared to the other ore spawn, so i guess issue resolved

lukebemish commented 1 year ago

The variants added by Excavated Variants only appear where the normal ores naturally appear next to the relevant stone; if there is no stone, if that helps you search for them. This means, by definition, that they will be less common than the default variants as there is less, say, granite than there is stone.