lukebemishprojects / ExcavatedVariants

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[BUG] Issue with the texture #147

Closed fagter closed 9 months ago

fagter commented 11 months ago

What went wrong?

i downloaded some texture pack and now the variant are broken so i go to my texture pack menu and see that the texture pack for the variant is all down but it's a pack that i can't move so i shearch how to make it movable but i didn't found





Logs and Screenshots


lukebemish commented 11 months ago

Can you share a link to the texture pack that caused this issue?

lukebemish commented 11 months ago

Additionally, please share your log. I cannot do anything without that

fagter commented 11 months ago

i used a lot of texture pack but the one that modify all the texture is this one

and u want all of my log or just the error

lukebemish commented 11 months ago

The whole log please.

lukebemish commented 11 months ago

Just following up as it's been a few weeks; I'm struggling to reproduce this on my end, and the log includes important information for debugging this. Could you share your log?

lukebemish commented 9 months ago

Closing this for now, as I can do nothing about this without a log (and because many of these sorts of issues will disappear in 1.20.2 anyways)