lukebemishprojects / ExcavatedVariants

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[ENHANCEMENT] Fabric 1.20.1 #187

Closed Rebel459 closed 6 months ago

Rebel459 commented 6 months ago

This mod's amazing, and I see you've recently ported from quilt to fabric on 1.20.2+ As a modpack dev, it would be great if you could consider adding fabric support to 1.20.1 in the future as it is the main supported version by most mods/modpacks at the moment and would expand the availability of the mod to players and modpacks on 1.20.1.

Thanks for your time!

lukebemish commented 6 months ago

Fabric support will not be added for 1.20.1. Please use quilt. Your other fabric mods should run on quilt; if they do not, this can almost certainly be fixed either on the quilt end or on those mods' end

lukebemish commented 6 months ago

To add more information for anyone looking at this after the fact:

Excavated Variants relies on several APIs that fabric either does not have or implements badly. In 1.20.2+, as QSL/QFAPI was not ported yet, I decided to switch back to fabric in spite of this; I managed to basically re-implement many of these requirements myself. In 1.20.1, I cannot easily do so in some cases without making breaking changes - which I will not be doing within a single MC version. Thus, I can't and won't really be porting it to Fabric in 1.20.1 - especially as anyone wishing to use it alongside fabric mods can simply run it on quilt.

Rebel459 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for the info! Makes perfect sense and I appreciate you taking the time to provide a detailed response