lukebemishprojects / ExcavatedVariants

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Generated ores dropping completely different ore #202

Open Tvpattack opened 2 months ago

Tvpattack commented 2 months ago

As the description suggests, I'm running a 1.20.5 fabric server, and I've noticed that the ore drops from modded blocks such as blockus that are created by Excavated Variants drop a completely different ore than they say they will. An example will be attached, but its also notable that if it generates next to normal ore, that ore is what's used for the drops. 2024-05-03_17 53 45

lukebemish commented 2 months ago

Can you attach a full log? This seems funky, to say the least -- I suspect that that "redstone ore" in that image is, in fact, actually diorite coal ore that is for some reason ending up with the redstone texture, and a log would help for troubleshooting.

lukebemish commented 2 months ago

I cannot reproduce this locally, so I suspect that an interaction with another mod or something similar is to blame. Does this occur in singleplayer or on a server?

Tvpattack commented 2 months ago

It looks like it occurs in both singleplayer and server. Would it help if I posted an install of the current mods?

lukebemish commented 2 months ago

While that is helpful what I really need is a log file

Tvpattack commented 2 months ago

Apologies, but I'm assuming that's generated when the server starts, yeah? Or when I break a block? I'm not entirely sure exactly where I'd need to look. (Will be sleeping by the time you reply, but I should still be able to respond within 12 hours.)

lukebemish commented 2 months ago

Play singleplayer, start up the game, go into a world, break a couple of the blocks that aren't working right, leave, then grab the latest.log from the logs folder.

Tvpattack commented 2 months ago

Gotcha. Will do when I get back.

Tvpattack commented 2 months ago

Here's a log of me breaking an ore generated by the mod. Strangely, while in singleplayer, I couldn't find any "lying" ores

I'll go ahead and check the log in server as well

Tvpattack commented 2 months ago

Here's a log made via the server; I don't think I see anything about it here, this is very odd huh.

2024-05-05_02 05 37

lukebemish commented 2 months ago

It seems like you've only included a section of the log; I need the full log -- the sort of information I'm interested in would be logged at startup. Basically, Excavated Variants (and Dynamic Asset Generator) have a variety of cases where things can go wrong but are probably recoverable, so they try to keep loading and log information for debugging -- I need to be able to look at what's logged there.

Tvpattack commented 2 months ago

...ah. The console on the server tends to eat the logs, I would need to see if there's a way to prevent that. Let me look through the log files generated. Here's a try:


lukebemish commented 2 months ago

Thanks; I'll look into getting this fixed

lukebemish commented 2 months ago

This is very strange. I cannot reproduce this at all on my end with the mrpack provided; none of the debug I'd expect to see if things had gone sideways is present either. Can you do me a favor and make a zip of the .cache folder in your instance folder, and provide that? That's the other place I might expect to see stuff that could help debug what's up here.

Just to confirm: this happens if you play in a singleplayer world too? Or only if you're playing on a server?

Tvpattack commented 2 months ago

It only happens Specifically when playing on a server

Absolutely. I'll get it to you tonight.

lukebemish commented 2 months ago

Ah, yeah, was missing that part because you said the opposite early -- I'll give it a test on a server then and see if I can reproduce it there. I suspect it's some sort of desync issue though how that's happening... bit strange, I'll see. Fabric's registry sync should be enough to avoid this in theory if that's the issue.

Tvpattack commented 2 months ago