lukebrogan-mend / juice-shop

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Dependency Dashboard #3

Open mend-for-github-com[bot] opened 1 month ago

mend-for-github-com[bot] commented 1 month ago

This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.

[!WARNING] These dependencies are deprecated:

Datasource Name Replacement PR?
npm @angular/flex-layout Unavailable
npm @angular/http Unavailable
npm @types/cypress Unavailable
npm @types/express-jwt Unavailable
npm @types/jwt-decode Unavailable
npm @types/ Unavailable
npm @types/ Unavailable
npm airbnb-prop-types Available
npm eslint-config-standard-with-typescript Unavailable
npm eslint-plugin-node Available
npm eslint-plugin-standard Unavailable
npm faker Available
npm node-pre-gyp Unavailable
npm notevil Unavailable
npm request Unavailable

Pending Approval

These branches will be created by Renovate only once you click their checkbox below.


These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.


These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.

Detected dependencies

Dockerfile - `node 20-buster` - `node 20-buster`
frontend/src/index.html - `cookieconsent2 3.1.0` - `cookieconsent2 3.1.0` - `jquery 2.2.4`
frontend/package.json - `@angular-builders/custom-webpack ^15.0.0` - `@angular-devkit/build-angular ^15.0.4` - `@angular-material-extensions/password-strength ^6.0.0` - `@angular/animations ^15.0.4` - `@angular/cdk ^14.0.4` - `@angular/cli ^15.0.4` - `@angular/common ^15.0.4` - `@angular/compiler ^15.0.4` - `@angular/compiler-cli ^15.0.4` - `@angular/core ^15.0.4` - `@angular/flex-layout 10.0.0-beta.32` - `@angular/forms ^15.0.4` - `@angular/http ^8.0.0-beta.10` - `@angular/material ^14.0.4` - `@angular/platform-browser ^15.0.4` - `@angular/platform-browser-dynamic ^15.0.4` - `@angular/router ^15.0.4` - `@ctrl/ngx-codemirror ^6.1.0` - `@cyclonedx/webpack-plugin ^3.6.0` - `@fortawesome/fontawesome-svg-core ~1.2.30` - `@fortawesome/free-brands-svg-icons ^5.14.0` - `@fortawesome/free-regular-svg-icons ^5.14.0` - `@fortawesome/free-solid-svg-icons ^5.14.0` - `@nguniversal/express-engine 10.0.1` - `@ngx-translate/core ^13.0.0` - `@ngx-translate/http-loader ^6.0.0` - `@wagmi/core ^0.5.8` - `anuglar2-qrcode ~2.0.3` - `canvas-confetti ^1.4.0` - `codemirror ^5.65.14` - `codemirror-solidity ^0.2.5` - `core-js ^3.22.5` - `ethers ^5.7.2` - `file-saver ^2.0.2` - `flag-icons ^6.9.2` - `font-mfizz ^2.4.1` - `jwt-decode ^2.2.0` - `lodash-es ^4.17.21` - `material-icons ^0.3.1` - `ng-mat-search-bar ^12.0.1` - `ng-simple-slideshow ^1.3.0-beta.11` - `ng2-file-upload ^1.4.0` - `ngx-clipboard ^15.1.0` - `ngx-cookie ^6.0.0` - `ngx-highlightjs ^6.1.2` - `ngx-text-diff ^0.6.0` - `ngx-window-token ^6.0.0` - `rxjs 6.6.3` - `sass ^1.32.2` - `snarkdown ^1.2.2` - ` ^3.1.0` - `solidity-browser-compiler ^1.1.0` - `typescript ~4.8.4` - `zone.js ~0.11.4` - `zustand 4.4.1` - `@angular-eslint/builder ^0.8.0-beta.7` - `@angular/language-service ^15.0.4` - `@types/express-serve-static-core ^4.17.9` - `@types/file-saver ^2.0.1` - `@types/jasmine ~3.9.1` - `@types/jasminewd2 ^2.0.10` - `@types/jwt-decode ^2.2.1` - `@types/node ^17.0.36` - `@types/ ^1.4.33` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^6.7.2` - `@typescript-eslint/parser ^6.7.2` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin-tslint ^6.7.2` - `codelyzer ^6.0.0` - `eslint ^8.49.0` - `eslint-config-standard-with-typescript ^39.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-import ^2.28.1` - `eslint-plugin-node ^11.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-promise ^6.1.1` - `eslint-config-prettier 7.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-jsdoc ^30.7.9` - `eslint-plugin-standard ^4.1.0` - `jasmine ^3.9.0` - `jasmine-core ~3.9.0` - `jasmine-spec-reporter ~7.0.0` - `karma ^6.0.3` - `karma-chrome-launcher ~3.1.0` - `karma-coverage ^2.0.3` - `karma-jasmine ~4.0.1` - `karma-jasmine-html-reporter ^1.7.0` - `stylelint ^13.8.0` - `stylelint-config-sass-guidelines ^7.1.0` - `stylelint-scss ^3.18.0` - `ts-node ^10.8.0`
package.json - `body-parser ^1.20.2` - `check-dependencies ^1.1.0` - `check-internet-connected ^2.0.6` - `clarinet ^0.12.5` - `colors 1.4.0` - `compression ^1.7.4` - `config ^3.3.9` - `cookie-parser ^1.4.5` - `cors ^2.8.5` - `dottie ^2.0.2` - `download ^8.0.0` - `errorhandler ^1.5.1` - `ethers ^6.7.0` - `exif ^0.6.0` - `express ^4.17.1` - `express-ipfilter ^1.2.0` - `express-jwt 0.1.3` - `express-rate-limit ^5.3.0` - `express-robots-txt ^0.4.1` - `express-security.txt ^2.0.0` - `feature-policy ^0.5.0` - `file-stream-rotator ^0.5.7` - `file-type ^16.1.0` - `filesniffer ^1.0.3` - `finale-rest ^1.1.1` - `fs-extra ^9.0.1` - `fuzzball ^1.3.0` - `glob ^10.3.10` - `graceful-fs ^4.2.6` - `grunt ^1.2.1` - `grunt-contrib-compress ^1.6.0` - `grunt-replace-json ^0.1.0` - `hashids ^2.2.1` - `hbs ^4.0.4` - `helmet ^4.0.0` - `html-entities ^1.3.1` - `i18n ^0.11.1` - `js-yaml ^3.14.0` - `jsonwebtoken 0.4.0` - `jssha ^3.1.1` - `juicy-chat-bot ~0.8.0` - `libxmljs ^1.0.11` - `marsdb ^0.6.11` - `median ^0.0.2` - `morgan ^1.10.0` - `multer ^1.4.5-lts.1` - `node-pre-gyp ^0.15.0` - `notevil ^1.3.3` - `on-finished ^2.3.0` - `otplib ^12.0.1` - `pdfkit ^0.11.0` - `portscanner ^2.2.0` - `prom-client ^14.1.0` - `pug ^3.0.0` - `replace ^1.2.0` - `request ^2.88.2` - `sanitize-filename ^1.6.3` - `sanitize-html 1.4.2` - `semver ^7.3.2` - `sequelize ^6.15.1` - `serve-index ^1.9.1` - ` ^3.1.0` - `sqlite3 ^5.0.8` - `svg-captcha ^1.4.0` - `swagger-ui-express ^5.0.0` - `unzipper 0.9.15` - `web3 ^4.0.3` - `winston ^3.3.3` - `yaml-schema-validator ^1.2.2` - `z85 ^0.0.2` - `event-source-polyfill 1.0.26` - `faker 5.5.3` - `airbnb-prop-types 2.16.0` - `@cyclonedx/cyclonedx-npm ^1.12.0` - `@istanbuljs/nyc-config-typescript ^1.0.1` - `@types/chai ^4.2.14` - `@types/chai-as-promised ^7.1.3` - `@types/clarinet ^0.12.1` - `@types/compression ^1.7.0` - `@types/config ^3.3.3` - `@types/cookie-parser ^1.4.2` - `@types/cors ^2.8.9` - `@types/cross-spawn ^6.0.2` - `@types/cypress ^1.1.3` - `@types/download ^8.0.5` - `@types/errorhandler ^1.5.0` - `@types/exif ^0.6.3` - `@types/express ^4.17.11` - `@types/express-jwt ^6.0.0` - `@types/frisby ^2.0.10` - `@types/fs-extra ^9.0.6` - `@types/glob ^7.1.6` - `@types/graceful-fs ^4.1.5` - `@types/i18n ^0.12.0` - `@types/jasmine ~3.9.1` - `@types/jest ^26.0.20` - `@types/js-yaml ^3.12.6` - `@types/jsonwebtoken ^8.5.0` - `@types/jws ^3.2.5` - `@types/mocha ^8.1.1` - `@types/morgan ^1.9.2` - `@types/multer ^1.4.5` - `@types/node ^17.0.36` - `@types/on-finished ^2.3.1` - `@types/pdfkit ^0.10.6` - `@types/portscanner ^2.1.0` - `@types/pug ^2.0.4` - `@types/request ^2.48.5` - `@types/sanitize-html ^1.27.0` - `@types/semver ^7.3.4` - `@types/sequelize ^4.28.11` - `@types/serve-index ^1.7.30` - `@types/sinon ^10.0.4` - `@types/sinon-chai ^3.2.5` - `@types/ ^2.1.13` - `@types/ ^1.4.35` - `@types/swagger-ui-express ^4.1.2` - `@types/unzipper ^0.10.3` - `@types/validator ^13.1.3` - `@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 6.18.1` - `@typescript-eslint/parser 6.18.1` - `chai ^4.2.0` - `chai-as-promised ^7.1.1` - `concurrently ^5.3.0` - `cross-spawn ^7.0.3` - `cypress ^13.6.1` - `eslint ^8.49.0` - `eslint-config-standard-with-typescript ^39.0.0` - `eslint-plugin-import ^2.28.1` - `eslint-plugin-node ^11.1.0` - `eslint-plugin-promise ^6.1.1` - `grunt-cli ^1.3.2` - `http-server ^0.12.3` - `jasmine ^3.9.0` - `jasmine-core ~3.9.0` - `jasmine-reporters ^2.5.0` - `jest ^26.6.3` - `mocha ^8.1.1` - `node-fetch ^2.6.13` - `nyc ^15.1.0` - `shelljs ^0.8.4` - `sinon ^11.1.2` - `sinon-chai ^3.7.0` - ` ^3.1.0` - `source-map-support ^0.5.19` - `ts-jest ^26.5.0` - `ts-node ^10.8.0` - `ts-node-dev ^1.1.6` - `typescript ~4.6.0` - `node 18 - 21`