lukeed / bee3d

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Usage with React #40

Closed rungwe closed 7 years ago

rungwe commented 7 years ago

I am struggling to figure out how this plugin could be used in ReactJs framework, if it is compatible please could you share something like an example?

lukeed commented 7 years ago

Hey, Yes there are two ways:

  1. You can just initialize it inside a component that wont update:

    class Slider extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
      this.slider = new Bee3D(this.ref, {});
    shouldComponentUpdate() {
      return false;
    render() {
      return <div>slider goes here</div>
  2. You could also slice up the markup into more controlled components. This would take a little more time but be more flexible & maybe worth it in the long run?

    function Slide(props) {
    return (
      <div className="bee3d--slide">...</div>
    class Slider extends React.Component {
    componentDidMount() {
      this.slider = new Bee3D(this.ref, {});
    render() {
      return (
        <div ref="" className="bee3d--parent">
          { }
          { this.props.navigation ? Navigation : '' }
rungwe commented 7 years ago

What would the import statement look like, I have something like this import Bee3D from '.lib/bee3D.js' which doesn't seem to be working, I get this error Uncaught TypeError: _bee3D2.default is not a constructor

lukeed commented 7 years ago

Depends on your build tool. Looks like you're probably using Rollup, in which case, you need the rollup-plugin-commonjs helper.

Webpack should handle that just fine because it handles CommonJS modules by default.

If you're using Browserify, you have to use require() instead.

lukeed commented 7 years ago

Closing for inactivity, but feel free to follow up with any additional questions. Happy to help!