lukeed / dset

A tiny (194B) utility for safely writing deep Object values~!
MIT License
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Possibility to delete properties by path? #24

Closed manuschillerdev closed 3 years ago

manuschillerdev commented 3 years ago

Is it possible to not only set values, but also delete properties at a given path?

const obj = {
  items: [
      firstName: "peter",
      lastName: "parker"

What I would need in my case would be:

delete obj.items[0].lastName;

Obviously I can set the value to null or undefined using set:

dset(obj, "items[0].lastName", null)

but I actually need to be able to delete the property completely. Is this possible using dset?

lukeed commented 3 years ago


No, setting to undefined directly would be best bet. Other option is to get the value of the parent object, delete whatever property, and then set it back:

let item = dlv(obj, "items.0");
delete item.lastname;
dset(obj, "items.0", item);

Hope that helps