lukeed / polka

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[@polka/url] Incorrect query params parsing when param contains encoded "&" #150

Open hoangvvo opened 3 years ago

hoangvvo commented 3 years ago

Consider the url below:


@polka/url parse the above into:

  url: '',
  list: 'PLlqZM4covn1G3hqrvNwpRy19pGDTYkUK6'

which is incorrect.


const parser = require("@polka/url");
const querystring = require("querystring");

const url = `/?url=${encodeURIComponent(

console.log(parser({ url }, true)?.query);
// {
//   url: '',
//   list: 'PLlqZM4covn1G3hqrvNwpRy19pGDTYkUK6'
// }

const queryparamsstr = url.substring(url.indexOf("?") + 1);
// [Object: null prototype] {
//   url: ''
// }
hoangvvo commented 3 years ago

This line decode the url too early causing the encoded & to turn into a param separator.

istarkov commented 3 years ago

Also incorrect query param parsing if param contains + i.e '?prop=a+b' must be parsed as { prop: 'a b'}