lukeed / pwa

(WIP) Universal PWA Builder
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Custom postcss webpack style rules missing with pwa.config.js #71

Closed malikbenkirane closed 4 years ago

malikbenkirane commented 4 years ago

TLDR; missing access to preprocessors options with pwa.config.js

I'm wondering how I could add custom postcss style rules to the webpack configuration.

Although, I didn't figured out where lives the code for pwa.config.js yet, I actually found there was no clean way to add custom postcss plugins use rules

One way to work around this limitation as suggested by and

would be searching for weback's rules where use.length > 0 and use[use.length-1].loader === ext + '-loader' in pwm.config.js and in order to update the options within the last item of the use object.

Thus, I wonder if it wouldn't be possible to pass options from mutation of an object similarly to postcss array for instance as there is only one preprocessor used in general.

As I didn't figured out how pwa.config.js is interpreted under the hood I don't know yet how to pass options to webpack/style.js. Though I hope it is feasible.

lukeed commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I'm not 100% sure what you're asking quite yet.

Are you trying to modify the PostCSS config? If so, you can do that through a postcss key within your pwa.config.js file. Here's an example:

// pwa.config.js
exports.postcss = function (config) {
malikbenkirane commented 4 years ago

Hi @lukeed, I'm actually trying to update sass-loader include path and that is what I've managed to do right now. Here is the pwa.config.js prototype I've been testing with :

exports.webpack = function(config, env) {
  let { production, webpack } = env;
  let index = 0;
  for (let rule of config.module.rules) {
    let use = rule.use;
    if (use && use.length > 0 && use[use.length-1].loader === 'sass-loader') {
      let opts = config.module.rules[index].use[use.length-1].options;
      if (opts && opts.sassOptions && opts.sassOptions.includePaths) {
      } else if (opts && opts.sassOptions) {
        opts.sassOptions.includPaths = ['theme'];
      } else if (opts) {
        opts.sassOptions = {
          includePaths: ['theme'],
      } else {
        config.module.rules[index].use[use.length-1].options = {
          sassOptions: {
            includePaths: ['theme'],
      console.log('sass-loader sassOptions configuration updated!');

This is quite a lot of code for such a simple configuration update and I can't see how PostCSS could be used to do so.

I hope that this example added some clarity to what I'm trying to propose.

lukeed commented 4 years ago

Ah, I see. Thanks!

In a future release, I'll make this such that you can add an exports.sass key to your config file.

You're right – that's too much for such a simple thing, and not having it exposed is contradictory to the rest of the system/ethos.

I should be able to release a patch-fix for this this weekend.

malikbenkirane commented 4 years ago

@lukeed Looking forward for the patch. I can help too 😉 I just need some insights though. For instance the files I should be looking etc...

lukeed commented 4 years ago

Thanks for your patience on this.

This is now achievable in the next release (happening in a few minutes):

// pwa.config.js

exports.sass = {
  // your options here
  // passed directly to sass-loader

That config object will be used for .scss and .sass extensions – PWA will enforce indentedSyntax: true for the .sass extension though, since that's required.

Please note that includePaths seems to be broken/doesn't work as advertised. I spent some time debugging this to make sure your use-case was supported. Turns out that includePaths can't live inside the sassOptions object. You have to do this instead:

exports.sass {
  includePaths: ['path/to/theme']

// OR, if you want to use function-type:

const { join } = require('path');

exports.sass = function (config, env) {
  config.includePaths = [
    join(env.src, 'theme')

Hope that cleans up your config file now :)

lukeed commented 4 years ago

Ok, as of v0.5.4 we're now using the updated version of sass-loader 😅

This means you can disregard my comment about about includePaths not working inside sassOptions... this is the correct variant now:

// you can also use function config if you want
exports.sass = {
  sassOptions: {
    includePaths: ['path/to/theme']
malikbenkirane commented 4 years ago

Amazing! Thank you @lukeed

lukeed commented 4 years ago

No problem, thanks for the heads up :)