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The major speculative optimizations in RaptorJIT #27

Open lukego opened 6 years ago

lukego commented 6 years ago

In #26 we looked at what "speculative optimization" is in theory. Now we will take a look at the practice.

To be clear: we will say that the compiler speculates on FOO to mean that it generates machine code using the assumption that condition FOO is true and that it prefixes this generated code with guard instructions to ensure that it only runs when this condition really is true. So the compiler optimizes for the case where the condition is true at the expense of the case where it is not true.

The most important speculative optimizations that RaptorJIT (the LuaJIT family) does are:

These are the main ways that the RaptorJIT compiler speculatively optimizes programs. The key to writing efficient code is to anticipate the compiler's thought process and ensure that its speculations will tend to be successful. Each time a speculative optimization suffers a misprediction - its premise is found to be false at runtime - this triggers an expensive transfer of control to search for another piece of generated code that is applicable.

The key to writing inefficient code is to frequently contradict these speculations. Use lots of different types of values in the same variable; replace function definitions in frequently called modules; switch the bias from your if statements between the then and else clauses; lookup the same constant keys in hashtables of many different shapes and sizes. These things may seem quite natural, and may perform perfectly well with other compilers, but they are anathema to this tracing JIT.