lukejacksonn / ijk

Transforms arrays into virtual dom trees; a terse alternative to JSX and h
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ijk that returns an opinionated Virtual DOM schema out of the box? #10

Closed jorgebucaran closed 6 years ago

jorgebucaran commented 6 years ago

@lukejacksonn If lands, would you consider changing ijk so it can be used like this:

const { h } from "ijk"

h(['h1', 'Hello World'])

...without a call to h('name','props','children') to create the actual h function? In other words, have the exported h return an opinionated Virtual DOM schema like { nodeName, attributes, children }.

lukejacksonn commented 6 years ago

It would be much nicer if we didn't have to pass a schema so yeh, I would certainly consider it. Another option I thought of is to be able to pass ijk an h to try figure out what schema it should output.. something like:

import { app, h } from 'hyperapp'
import { build } from 'ijk'

const View = build(h)(...)

Either that or export different h for each vdom type:

import { h } from 'ijk/hyperapp'
import { h } from 'ijk/preact'

I am up for exploring all of these options!

jorgebucaran commented 6 years ago

I think both options are possible. I've seen the second style used in other projects that support different view frameworks.

lukejacksonn commented 6 years ago

Hyperapp's vdom object schema changed. So I am going to do something about this now. I'd like to export just one h with the schema nodeName, attributes, children to accommodate at least preact and hyperapp out of the box.

The obvious downside to this is if people want to use this lib with other vdom libraries. In reality I doubt anyone is so perhaps it is better to be opinionated now and change later if required.

Mytrill commented 6 years ago

Maybe you can still export the original h from a sub-package or similar?

import { h } from "ijk/factory"

h("name", "props", "children")(...)
lukejacksonn commented 6 years ago

Perhaps something as rudimentary as..

export const h = build('nodeName', 'attributes', 'children')
export const factory = build

I can't decide 😅 something else to consider is what @JorgeBucaran said about keys.. and where they live. Which I believe, is no longer in attributes but on the root of the vnode itself. Am I right in thinking this?

jorgebucaran commented 6 years ago

Yes, they are now taken from the attributes and placed on the root of the virtual node itself.

jorgebucaran commented 6 years ago

@lukejacksonn I think using the framework's exported VDOM builder function is far more robust than my proposal, but if you are willing to take the "risk", returning the raw VNode object would make ijk even more fun to use. Whether you implement this feature or not is up to you. You did a great job here!