lukejacksonn / oceanwind

Compiles tailwind shorthand into css at runtime. Succeeded by Twind.
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missing translation for gradients #44

Open smeijer opened 3 years ago

smeijer commented 3 years ago

I do see the gradients in the default theme, yet when using them I get a warning that the translation is missing.

index.js:16 No translation for "bg-gradient-to-r" 
index.js:16 No translation for "from-orange-400" 
index.js:16 No translation for "via-red-500" 
index.js:16 No translation for "to-pink-500"


lukejacksonn commented 3 years ago

Ahh yes, I haven't got around to implementing them. Apologies 😞 but we are actually working on a big update to this library which supports all of V2 stuffs and much more. Let me see if I can push these directives though before the big update.

smeijer commented 3 years ago

Aaah, ok. I was confused because I did see them in the theme. No worries, focus on what's important for the big update. :smiley:

lukejacksonn commented 3 years ago

Ok, perfect. Well we are hopefully days away from that release, so not long to wait. I'll be sure to keep you updated!

lukejacksonn commented 3 years ago

An update for you here, we have recently released which takes inspiration from oceanwind and has a very similar API, but improves on it in many aspects including feature parity with Tailwind V2 which resolves issues like this. It is still in early stages but we have tested the module extensively and are confident it is ready for production.

I would encourage you and any others reading this issue to go check it out and let us know what you think! 🙇

smeijer commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the update. I'll give twind a shot.