lukejacksonn / oceanwind

Compiles tailwind shorthand into css at runtime. Succeeded by Twind.
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Support server-side rendering #6

Closed bebraw closed 3 years ago

bebraw commented 3 years ago

I've been working on a small starter around Tailwind. I'm currently looking into simplifying the setup (less moving bits) and it feels like Oceanwind would be a great fit if it had support for SSR.

It looks like #1 is going to this direction and given Oceanwind is based on otion, likely their example would more or less work with it.

lukejacksonn commented 3 years ago

Hey 👋 thanks for taking the time to check out the project! Yes, it is likely that it will "just work" given that otion already supports SSR. But I don't really have any experience with rendering on the server.

Perhaps you could try out Jovi's PR branch and see if it works for you too?

bebraw commented 3 years ago

Sure, the PR needs a bit of work as the API has shifted but I'll give it a go (latest tomorrow).