lukemt / obsidian-feeds

Magic feeds dataview query for obsidian
MIT License
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Poll: Writing styles #12

Closed madx closed 9 months ago

madx commented 10 months ago

Hi everyone!

We are planning to streamline the plugin's settings and make sure it is really simple. We currently have a bunch of options affecting the filtering of which bullet points to show. These settings can be Vault-wide through the plugin's settings tab, or specified as YAML in the code-block that triggers the rendering of your feed.

In order to be able to satisfy as many workflows as possible, we would like to know what's your current way of working with bullet points and what you would like to accomplish with this plugin.

If you want to help us, please respond to this issue with either a sample of your writing and the desired output in your Feed, or with a proper description of what you are trying to accomplish.

Edit: This is needed for #7 and related to #10

madx commented 10 months ago

Here's an example response with my current style and what I need the plugin to do for me!


I keep weekly notes with one header per day (formatted as YYYY-MM-DD). I wrote bullet points where the topic is the first part of the bullet, followed by a space and a dash. Below is an excerpt of such notes:

### 2023-11-08

[[Pro/MyCompany/2023-11-08 - Daily Work Note|2023-11-08 - Daily Work Note]]

- [[Flux/PKM|PKM]] - J'ai simplifié mon système de capture en utilisant uniquement une note commune et en y faisant pointer tous mes outils.
- [[Flux/Dev|Dev]] - J'ai essayé Talon Voice, il y a besoin d'un `AppIndicator`. Je vais chercher quelques scripts pour voir ce que ça peut donner.
- Aujourd'hui j'ai essayé de remplacer mon calendrier par [[Amie]] : ça marche plutôt bien
- [[Flux/Boulot|Boulot]] - Journée assez active car pas mal de soucis à gérer.
- [[Flux/Dev|Dev]] - Soumission d'[[Obsidian Feeds]] pour revue et devenir un plugin communautaire officiel ! C'est un jalon important et un premier pas dans la communauté de développeurs Obsidian.
- [[Flux/Mental|Mental]] - J'étais de meilleure humeur aujourd'hui, accomplir des tâches dues depuis longtemps a fait du bien. Les 3 tâches que je m'étais notées comme prioritaires sont faites !
- [[Flux/Boulot|Boulot]] - Je change le format de ma note quotidienne pour quelque chose de plus orienté listes.

My topic notes are configured to display the feed like this:

- [[2023-S45 > 2023-11-08]] - [[Flux/Dev|Dev]] - J'ai essayé Talon Voice, il y a besoin d'un `AppIndicator`. Je vais chercher quelques scripts pour voir ce que ça peut donner.
- [[2023-S45 > 2023-11-08]] - [[Flux/Dev|Dev]] - Soumission d'[[Obsidian Feeds]] pour revue et devenir un plugin communautaire officiel ! C'est un jalon important et un premier pas dans la communauté de développeurs Obsidian.
- [[2023-S44 > 2023-11-03]] - [[Flux/Dev|Dev]] - J'ai ouvert une PR pour la refacto/simplification du plugin [[Obsidian Feeds]] ! On en a un peu discuté avec [[Personnes/Lukas Petry|Luke]] et on est d'accord tous les deux que ça doit rester le plus simple possible. J'attends la review de haste.

Some older notes of mine have the Topic link alone on a first bullet point then the notes as children bullets. I will probably refactor that to have the same style everywhere but I feel like it's worth mentioning.


I keep Project-related notes where I want to have a log of what happened for a given project. I currently simply drop a feed block in my project notes and it produces this kind of output:

- [[2023-S45  > 2023-11-08]] - [[Flux/Dev|Dev]] - Soumission d'[[Obsidian Feeds]] pour revue et devenir un plugin communautaire officiel ! C'est un jalon important et un premier pas dans la communauté de développeurs Obsidian.
- [[2023-S44  > 2023-11-08]] - [[Flux/Dev|Dev]] - J'ai ouvert une PR pour la refacto/simplification du plugin [[Obsidian Feeds]] ! On en a un peu discuté avec [[Personnes/Lukas Petry|Luke]] et on est d'accord tous les deux que ça doit rester le plus simple possible. J'attends la review de haste.
- [[2023-S42  > 2023-11-08]] - [[Flux/Dev|Dev]] - J'ai fait une première PR sur [[Obsidian Feeds]] pour pouvoir plus facilement symlinker la vue depuis mon clone du dépôt et ajouter des styles - ça casse mes vues sur mobile par contre 😬
- [[2023-S42 > 2023-11-08]] - Je pense que c'était une erreur de mettre la vue dans un dossier spécifique dans le dépôt d'[[Obsidian Feeds]]. Utiliser un lien symbolique ne marche pas sur mobile. Je devrais plutôt tout mettre à la racine et faire un clone Git.
- [[2023-S41 > 2023-11-08]] - On est arrivés à convaincre une modératrice du [[Obsidian Discord|Discord d'Obsidian]] de créer un thread pour le [[Obsidian Feeds|système de flux]] de [[Personnes/Lukas Petry|Luke242]] !

What I would like/need that is not possible yet

menagerie198 commented 10 months ago

Here you go... if you need more I will dig it up... I use a daily note (named 2023-11-09 etc) where I use a kind of bullet journal/interstital method. Each entry is time-logged, thus `## 15:02 -- Important thing

If that entry starts to take up more than a line or two, I carry on in a 'side-note', thusly `[[2023-11-09 Side Note A]]'. It is generally in this note where I put any associated tasks (using Tasks plugin).

Then in the 'Project A' file I have the 'Feed' under a ## heading, rendered thusly by your fine plugin...

## DNP Feed
[[2023-11-09]] (1)
    Something important happened in [[Project A]].
[[2023-11-09 Side Note A]] (1)
    Something important about the thing, that goes on for more than two lines, and may contain a ToDo:
    [ ] Do the important thing 📅 2023-11-12

I also use 'FleetingNotes' app/plugin to save relevant weblinks. I find it easiest to #tag those web-bookmark notes in my browser when I save them (FleetingNotes provides a drop-down of previously used #tags). When I import them into Obsidian, they then get picked up by 'Feeds' from those tags (#importantThing, etc). I also try to remember to add [[Project A]]` - but I am less efficient at this than the tagging.

mariomui commented 10 months ago

I combine my daily notes so i dont necessarily have a orderly sytem.

Combined Document






magma-chili commented 10 months ago

I don't know if you're considering checkboxes within the scope of bullet points, and I'm still evolving my format, but this is a pretty typical use case:


madx commented 10 months ago

Thanks everyone for your inputs!

@mariomui So what would you like to extract from this log? The bullets referencing your Obsdian notes?

@magma-chili Very interesting workflow, I see you rely a lot on tags and checkboxes so that definitely has its place!

mariomui commented 10 months ago

It would be cool if the root bullet points were sorted automatically by regex.

Azeirah commented 10 months ago

What I would really love to see is support for blocks as well, I come from Roam and while I really do love bullet points, it's not Obsidian's core strength.

I typically want use Markdown with all its features instead of being limited to what's reasonable in bullets. So if I have a daily note, I might work on a project, note down a task or two for managing my household and write in my daily journal.

# daily note

## [[myProject]] #log

- bla bla
- [ ] bla bla


Bla bla bla lorem ipsum

## [[🏠]]

I feel like the kitchen is hard to keep clean :(

## [[diary]]


Otherwise, the way the plugin works right now is already quite nice. I'm looking forward to seeing what you're doing. A batteries-included turnkey "everything related to this note right now please" plugin is a really nice addition compared to the low-level power user plugins I see most of the time!

madx commented 10 months ago

@Azeirah So in this case here you'd want to have the contents under the [[myProject]] heading in your feed note right?

Azeirah commented 10 months ago

In short, yes.

Slightly longer, markdown offers hierarchically structured documents. Bullets points are also a hierarchy of sorts.

Each heading creates one layer in the hierarchy, everything "under" the heading should belong to that heading.


# Heading 1 [[myProject]]

## Heading 2

Hello world

The MyProject feed should basically have all of the above in it.

In a sense indented bullet lists and heading hierarchies are the same data structure. Making them act the same in the feed might be the most natural way to do it.

I really wish Obsidian supported this naturally in its search, but it's very lacking unfortunately :(

magma-chili commented 9 months ago

I don't know if you're considering checkboxes within the scope of bullet points, and I'm still evolving my format, but this is a pretty typical use case:


Similar to Azeirah's reply, I'd like to also ask, if it isn't too inconvenient if, it's possible for checkboxes under a tag/heading to show up if that tag/heading isn't included in the checkbox line. i.e.

### #tag [[link]]

- [ ] something related
- [ ] something else related

rathre than requiring

- [ ] something related #tag [[link]]
- [ ] something else related #tag [[link]]

which would be super helpful so that I don't have to redundatntly type #tag [[link]] for every subsequent checkbox

madx commented 9 months ago

Based on your answers and on what we've been discussing over on Discord, here's my plan:

I am going to create issues to track all of these and start working on the new Feeds! Thanks everyone for your input 🙏🏻 I'm closing this for now, don't hesitate to add a comment or message me on Discord for sharing your practice.