lukeorth / poison

Professional Hugo theme for dev bloggers. Based on Mdo's classic Hyde theme.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Brand image stops rendering when outside homepage #68

Closed GTFoster closed 1 year ago

GTFoster commented 1 year ago

I'm new to site-development in Hugo so this may be my own ignorance, but when I click off of my site's intial homepage (such as clicking on a post) my brand image stops rendering.

I've updated config.toml "brand_image" line with a relative path to an image in my static/images directory, and it loads as expected on my homepage. However, then when I click on an individual post it disapears from the sidebar, replacing itself with the text "brand image."

I appreciate any guidance, and really appreciate the poison theme!

lukeorth commented 1 year ago

Hi, @GTFoster - I'm glad you're enjoying the theme!

Here is the repo that I use for the Poison demo site. Take a look at the config.toml file there as a reference and let me know if that clears things up. I'm guessing it's just a filepath issue, but I can't know for sure without seeing your code.

If you're still having issues after that, I can try to debug it some more. Just send me a link to your repo or your config file + project structure. :+1:

GTFoster commented 1 year ago

@lukeorth Thanks for the response! You were right about it being a filepath issue; I was missing a backslash in the file location in my config.toml file.

"brand_image = "images/filename.jpg" Made the image show up only on the homepage, but changing it to "brand_image = "/images/filename.jpg" gave the expected behavior, with the brand image staying constant as you navigated the through pages.

Thanks for the help!