lukepistrol / TimeMachineStatus

TimeMachineStatus is a little menu bar application for macOS which aims to show more useful information than the system default.
223 stars 3 forks source link

✨: Homebrew download #10

Closed lukepistrol closed 7 months ago

lukepistrol commented 7 months ago

Now that the first version is released, it'd be nice to add it to Homebrew, so anyone can install it a bit easier.

markbattistella commented 7 months ago

In simple terms this would work if added to the homebrew/homebrew-cask repo:

cask 'timemachinestatus' do
    version '0.0.4'
    sha256 'dc94978d507aa1a2680bae3483be1511234dd0de7b72fc8bbb96775694c66403'

    url ''
    name 'TimeMachineStatus'
    desc 'TimeMachineStatus is a little menu bar application for macOS which aims to show more useful information than the system default.'
    homepage ''

    app ''

However there might be a better way to handle it (I didn't want to PR since it would require you to have a PAT and this is your project 😅) but testing would be required and maybe some checks to when the rb file is pushed and when it is not.

  1. Create a local timemachinestatus.rb file with the above data

  2. Create a new action.yml file:

name: Update Homebrew Cask

    types: [published]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: Check Out Repository
      uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - name: Set up Ruby
      uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
        ruby-version: '3.0' # or whatever version you prefer

    - name: Update Cask
      run: |
        URL="${{ github.repository }}/releases/download/${VERSION}/TimeMachineStatus.dmg"
        SHA256=$(curl -Ls $URL | shasum -a 256 | cut -d ' ' -f 1)

        # Replace version and sha256 in your cask file
        sed -i "s/version '.*'/version '${VERSION}'/" Casks/timemachinestatus.rb
        sed -i "s/sha256 '.*'/sha256 '${SHA256}'/" Casks/timemachinestatus.rb

        git config --global 'Your Name'
        git config --global ''
        git add Casks/timemachinestatus.rb
        git commit -m "Update TimeMachineStatus to ${VERSION}"
        git push

    - name: Fork Homebrew Cask Repository
      uses: actions/github-script@v3
        github-token: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
        script: |
          const github = require('@actions/github');
          await github.repos.createFork({
            owner: 'Homebrew',
            repo: 'homebrew-cask',

    - name: Clone Forked Homebrew Cask Repository
      run: |
        git clone${{ }}/homebrew-cask.git
        cd homebrew-cask
        git remote add upstream
        git fetch upstream
        git checkout -b update-timemachinestatus-${VERSION} upstream/master

    - name: Copy Updated Cask to Fork
      run: |
        cp ../Casks/timemachinestatus.rb Casks/timemachinestatus.rb
        cd homebrew-cask
        git add Casks/timemachinestatus.rb
        git commit -m "Update TimeMachineStatus to ${VERSION}"
        git push --set-upstream origin update-timemachinestatus-${VERSION}

    - name: Create Pull Request to Homebrew Cask
      uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@v3
        token: ${{ secrets.GH_PAT }}
        commit-message: Update TimeMachineStatus cask
        title: 'Update TimeMachineStatus to ${VERSION}'
        body: 'Update TimeMachineStatus cask to the latest release.'
        branch: update-timemachinestatus-${VERSION}
        base: 'master'
        repo: Homebrew/homebrew-cask

This is all kind of theoretical but definitely along the lines of automating it into when you make a release it would update the cask.

How It Works:

  1. Update Cask in Your Repository: The first part of the workflow updates the cask file in your repository
  2. Fork Homebrew Cask Repository: The action then forks the Homebrew cask repository (if not already forked)
  3. Clone and Update Fork: It clones your fork of the Homebrew cask repository, creates a new branch, and copies the updated cask file into this fork
  4. Create Pull Request to Homebrew Cask: Finally, it creates a pull request from your fork to the Homebrew cask repository with the updated cask file.

Mind you it would be something to investigate whether fully automating it would be in the guidelines or if manually updating the homebrew repo is safer

lukepistrol commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the write up!

I just created a cask locally. However a repository must be "notable" enough to be accepted.

Screenshot 2023-11-16 at 11 36 34

Blocking this for now.

spitfire commented 7 months ago

It has 76 stars now, is it just 1 criteria that needs to be met for it to be eligible?

lukepistrol commented 7 months ago

@spitfire I've already submitted a PR.