lukesampson / pshazz

Give your powershell some pizazz.
The Unlicense
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pshazz got stuck after installation at agent_start #58

Closed zionyx closed 5 years ago

zionyx commented 7 years ago

I installed pshazz on my Windows 10 Anniversary Edition but it got stuck some how.

Installing 'pshazz' (0.2017.03.22).
Loading from cache
Checking hash of ok.
Extracting... done.
it looks like pshazz is already in your powershell profile, skipping

           _                   _
 _ __  ___| |__   __ _ _______| |
| '_ \/ __| '_ \ / _` |_  /_  / |
| |_) \__ \ | | | (_| |/ / / /|_|
| .__/|___/_| |_|\__,_/___/___(_)

agent_start pid:15012, dbg:1, child:0, pipe:0
debug1: Ctrl+C received
debug1: shutting down

All my other machines installed fine but only this one. How do i provide more info to you to help figure out what's wrong? Thanks! Great tool btw! Keep it up.