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Event bubble error on select change event #29

Open morningLemon opened 8 years ago

morningLemon commented 8 years ago


I have what appears to be an event bubbling error when I choose an option in a select box. On choosing an option in a select this triggers a slideToIndex() event. Any ideas on how or where this could happen?

Its an angular select and options on slider are:

{ speed : 1300, mouseDragEvents : false, detectHash: true }

lukesnowden commented 8 years ago

can you send me a link?

morningLemon commented 8 years ago

Not currently I don't have a staging site up. Any ideas on how this could trigger a slide event though?

lukesnowden commented 8 years ago

Not familiar with the workings of angular im afraid, so unless I can test your application I cant really suggest anything, sorry.

morningLemon commented 8 years ago

Ok thnx. I will see I i can get some time to put a codepen up later this week if the problem continues ::

denisbosire commented 8 years ago

I had the same issue when you click it automatically scrolls to the next slide, changing mouseDragEvents : from True to false, solved this for me.