lukevp / ESC-POS-.NET

Efficient, Easy to Use Thermal Printing & POS (Windows/Linux/OSX, WiFi/BT/USB/Ethernet)
MIT License
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No existing code for BasePrinter.Startmonitoring() #230

Open Jury-jpg opened 1 year ago

lukevp commented 1 year ago

Hey @Jury-jpg could you provide some more details on what your question / concern is regarding this function? Are you not sure how to use it? There is an example in the README:

// In your program, register event handler to call the method when printer status changes:
printer.StatusChanged += StatusChanged;

// and start monitoring for changes.
HGCollier commented 1 year ago

NetworkPrinter does not contain a definition for StartMonitoring

wzuqui commented 4 months ago

Looking at the tests implemented in this git, I found how to get the data, maybe it will help you

using(var xPrinter = new SerialPrinter(portName: "COM2", baudRate: 115200))
        xPrinter.StatusChanged += StatusChanged;
        xPrinter.Connected += ConnectedChanged;
        var xEpson = new EPSON();


void StatusChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var status = (PrinterStatusEventArgs)e;
