lukflug / PanelStudio

An extensible and customizable GUI API/library to create ClickGUIs, HUDEditors and TabGUIs designed for use in Minecraft utility mods.
MIT License
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HUD rendering causes crash after loading the world #43

Closed erxson closed 11 months ago

erxson commented 11 months ago

I tried to use OakClient base code for my mod. Let me clarify that there is no HUD in OakClient itself. It shown in ClickGUI or HudEditor, but not in the game itself. I tried to slightly change the code of the main class to make it as close as possible to the example from the PanelStudio repository.

I’ll say right away that I’m just learning Java and I’m not saying that the problem is in PanelStudio itself, but I just don’t know who else I can turn to for help. Sorry.

Crash Log (There are no errors or warns in the rest part the log)

Main class

ClickGUI class (I changed almost nothing, it seems to me)


build.gradle ???

Help me, please

lukflug commented 11 months ago

Oh, it might be an oversight when I ported stuff over to newer versions of Minecraft. I can't believe this hasn't been caught earlier.

Add this to your ClickGUI class:

public void render() {
    this.context = insert_current_DrawContext_here;

I don't know how exactly the render method gets invoked, so I can't give an exact expression for that. Alternatively:

public void render(DrawContext context) {
    this.context = context;

I hope this helps!

erxson commented 11 months ago

Thanks for the quick response! Sorry, but I don't know how to get the current DrawContext. The first render() option is fine, but I really don't know where to get the DrawContext or what it even is. If this is fixed in some update, then I can just wait, I'm in no hurry. Thanks again!

erxson commented 11 months ago

It's probably worth saying that when I try to do this.context = new DrawContext(client, null); then the error is completely different. This is good? Like, it’s already complaining that I couldn’t pass vertex things instead of null

lukflug commented 11 months ago

Oh yeah, no, that's not how it would be done. I'd have to take a closer look. Even when I fix it, you'd still need to pass a DrawContext.

lukflug commented 11 months ago

Iirc the 1.20 equivalent of MatrixStack is DrawContext. That parameter is what you need to pass.

erxson commented 11 months ago

Yes, I tried to pass it through render method, but... skill issue

lukflug commented 11 months ago

A quick and somewhat dirty solution would be to set the context variable of the ClickGUI in the InGameHudMixin.render method. Because it's protected, you might need a setter.

lukflug commented 11 months ago

A quick and somewhat dirty solution would be to set the context variable of the ClickGUI in the InGameHudMixin.render method. Because it's protected, you might need a setter.

This would make overriding ClickGUI.render unnecessary.

erxson commented 11 months ago

I did it and it works!

ClientTickEvents.END_CLIENT_TICK.register((client) -> {
    if (gui == null)
        gui=new ClickGUI();
    if (!inited) {
        if (gui.getContext() != null) {
            HudRenderCallback.EVENT.register((cli, tickDelta) -> gui.render());
            inited = true;
public abstract class InGameHudMixin {
    @Inject(method = "render", at = @At(value = "RETURN"))
    public void render(DrawContext context, float tickDelta, CallbackInfo ci) {
        EventBus.getEventBus().post(new HudRenderEvent());

    public void setContext(DrawContext context) {
        this.context = context;

    public DrawContext getContext() {
        return this.context;
erxson commented 11 months ago

But can't interact with TabGUI arrows binds

lukflug commented 11 months ago

Is ClickGUI.handleKeyEvent getting invoked?

erxson commented 11 months ago

No, it replaced with Category.toggleModuleByKeybind in OakClient.

erxson commented 11 months ago

Sorry. It works now. Thank you very much!