lukleh / TwistedBot

bot and proxy for Minecraft
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Some Issues with 1.8 #16

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

I can't seem to connect to 1.8.1 servers with this. It says something like "Cannot connect to %IP INSERTED HERE% Reason: Connection was ended cleanly." Also, I think the authentication has changed making the --onlinemode tag useless ATM either due to the new UUIDs or the fact they changed some links n' stuff. I am seeing how I can fix these issues manually, but for now, just wanted to make an official issue report.

lukleh commented 9 years ago

Hi, development stopped at "Support for Minecraft 1.5" 1.8.1 is already way too different....

focusing on a different project now

ghost commented 9 years ago

Ah, I had a feeling. Thanks though for making a cool piece of software.

jonasrk commented 9 years ago

Maybe look at

ghost commented 9 years ago

Thanks, that will help a lot!