lukrop / GCICAP

Autonomous GCI and CAP script for DCS: World.
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GCI flights spawns but does not move #25

Open chrisofsweden opened 7 years ago

chrisofsweden commented 7 years ago

DCS World 1.5.5 Stable CAP disabled, only GCI enabled for blue

Blue GCI flights spawn in correctly (spawn type set to "parking") but do not move, never take off.

The only trigger zone related to this script in the mission is a GCI Airodrome marker trigger zone over Kobuleti.

This happens randomly. Restart the mission and all of a sudden it's working, restart and it might not be working again. When it works, it works all the way. When it doesn't work, it applies to all spawned GCI flights as long as the mission is running. It appear as there's a problem with task-handling with the script/DCS. The same issue sometimes happen with 3 other "normal" flights I have set in the mission editor. Two tankers and an AWACS. They don't roll out from parking sometimes in the mission start, and that's unrelated to the script, but maybe there's an issue with flight tasking at start/spawn in DCS in general.

lukrop commented 7 years ago

If this applies to flights/aircraft not spawned by GCICP, at the same time, I'd by tempted to say it's an upstream (DCS: World) issue and not related to GCICAP.

chrisofsweden commented 7 years ago

To clarify, it's not that it happens at the same time always. The "GCI spawned flight stuck in parking" happens more frequently than "ME created flight stuck in parking". I'd say GCI spawned flights get stuck 50% of the times on mission start, and ME created flights get stuck perhaps every 4th-5th time.

So, one time, the GCI spawned flights work properly, but not the ME created flights. Next time, the ME created flights take off, and the GCI spawned flights get stuck. Sometimes, both types get stuck.

Marioshata commented 7 years ago

I can confirm the same problem as chrisofsweden on my mission. Haven't changed anything lately and this happens after last 1.5x update. Maybe it's DCS related, but I have no idea.