lukuang / google_news_crawler

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pip install fails with error #1

Open kieranflynn opened 6 years ago

kieranflynn commented 6 years ago

pip install google_news_crawler Collecting google_news_crawler Using cached Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument: 'C:\Users\kieran\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-h65yvkah\google-news-crawler\google_news_crawler/tests/news?cf=all&ned=nl_nl&hl=nl&output=rss&topic=h&sort=newest'

lukuang commented 6 years ago

Hi kieranflynn, It is not an official Python package so you are not able to install in through python. More importantly, the core functionality is not implemented in python.

It was written long time ago and I have not maintained it since it was written. I guess you should something else to use instead since it could be very buggy.