I need to provide this in body else it throws "org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.
at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleDeserializer.onStartChild(SimpleDeserializer.java:145)
at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.startElement"
However as per implementation, it adds the xsi:type to both opening and closing XML tags. This is verified by intercepting the request:
Here's the request, if I modify it and remove xsi:type from closing tag and forward it, it is successfully returning 200 OK response.
Body for Soap Request
const body = { ControlServiceRequest : { "NodeName" : "ucbu-aricent-vm200", "ControlType" : "Stop", "ServiceList xsi:type=\"con:ArrayOfServices\" ": this.arrItem } };
I need to provide this in body else it throws "org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.
at org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.SimpleDeserializer.onStartChild(SimpleDeserializer.java:145) at org.apache.axis.encoding.DeserializationContext.startElement"
However as per implementation, it adds the xsi:type to both opening and closing XML tags. This is verified by intercepting the request:
Here's the request, if I modify it and remove xsi:type from closing tag and forward it, it is successfully returning 200 OK response.