lulibrary / Background-Beacon-Monitoring

Cordova Plugin to allow background monitoring of beacons and sending interactions to Library Journeys server
Apache License 2.0
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background monitoring not giving didenter or didexit notifications in android? #10

Open sathish932 opened 6 years ago

sathish932 commented 6 years ago

I have added your plugin.I am able to start the service and we are able to calling startMonitoringRegion and startranging in region but we are not getting any more thing if i don't add ibeacon methods in frontend like didenter and didexit and didRangeBeaconsInRegion then it's not doing anything in background if i add those methods if even i kill the app it's still executing didRangeBeaconsinRegion from com.unarin.ibeacon plugin but it's not giving any notification but if the app is in foreground or background i am getting notification but if we close the app i am not getting.Can you help me how to use this plugin with ibeacon plugin to get the notifications if the app is closed and when we enter or exit from region.I have seen debug log it's not printing any thing regarding this plugin?