lululombard / CertRemainTime

A tool to know when your Electra/yalu (and some forks like Yalu Dark)/mach portal/Home Depot cert will expire.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
17 stars 11 forks source link

Repository for hosting CertRemainTime #12

Closed FaZeIlLuMiNaTi closed 6 years ago

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

I’m currently hosting the latest deb on my repo at, in case you’re interested and wanted to add that to the readme.

lululombard commented 6 years ago

Thanks ! Feel free to edit the README so as long as you’re not hosting pirated content on your repo.

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

I'll test internally on my own repo, and use BigBoss now that Cydia is out.