lululombard / CertRemainTime

A tool to know when your Electra/yalu (and some forks like Yalu Dark)/mach portal/Home Depot cert will expire.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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TweakBox isn't supported #18

Closed lululombard closed 6 years ago

lululombard commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't have a jailbroken device anymore. Maybe @FaZeIlLuMiNaTi can check that ? Thanks.

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

I'm already taking a look at adding compatibility with enterprise provisioning profiles :)

ultra360 commented 6 years ago

Here’s the zip file requested by GlorifiedIlLuMiNaTi. I’m on iPhone X 11.3.1, Electra 1.0.3, multipath tcp exploit installed from Tweakbox. Cheers!

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

@lululombard I believe this should work. I've added checks for XC- (as well as the pre-existing checks for CY-) in SignedCert.m - this worked for me using Electra from I don't believe checking Xcode signed provisioning profiles will be an issue, as there is a whitelist of applications that will prevent a personal project appearing in Cert Time. Perhaps in the future I'll work on determining what version of Electra is being used (Electra (11-11.1.2) or Electra1131 (VFS or MP)). Depending on the outcome of the test below, I'll push my local source and a production deb ready for BigBoss.

@ultra360 Here's a version I've quickly thrown together, let me know if it works for you. Unzip with Filza and install the deb.

lululombard commented 6 years ago

@FaZeIlLuMiNaTi thank you very much :)

ultra360 commented 6 years ago

@FaZeIlLuMiNaTi Thank you, but I'm still getting "State: No certificate compatible"

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

@ultra360 Having just downloaded the TweakBox version of Electra, I can verify that this does not solve the issue. I will continue to investigate this further when I have some spare time. In the meantime, if you want to see the remaining time of Electra signed with an enterprise certificate, you can use the version of Electra from

ultra360 commented 6 years ago

Not a problem at all, I just wanted to let you know about the issue. Ignition is not letting me download Electra right now, but I have Ext3nder Installer installed (I needed it for the vfs version at first) and it does what I need.

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

I did some investigation and I’ve found the cause of the issue.

Apps signed with Xcode have an appID or “XC- AppNameHere” and apps signed with Cydia Impactor have an appID of “CY- AppNameHere”. Cert Time will cut the XC-/CY- from the appID and present it within the app. When I compiled that test deb, I added a clause for Xcode signed apps, this made ignition’s Electra work.

However, TweakBox have signed their Electra differently (I don’t know much about signing), the appID is “dingshengapp” - this seems to be in line with whoever’s enterprise account was used to sign the app (in this case, it was “DingshengcaifuInvestment Management (Beijing) Co.”). The problem with this kind of signing is that the actual name of the tool isn’t included in the appID, and the signing identifier (XC-/CY-) does not exists. This makes it hard to identify the certificate, as there is no generic string available to search by.

In this deb, I’ve added a clause for an appID of “dingshengapp”, meaning Electra signed with this certificate will be detected by Cert Time. This isn’t an ideal solution, because if the tool is resigned using a different enterprise certificate, Cert Time will need an update to detect the new certificate. I’m busy for most/if not all of today, so I won’t be able to look at a better solution for a while, but here’s my current workaround.

Let me know how it goes.

ultra360 commented 6 years ago

It works now. Hopefully they won’t resign Electra with a different certificate ;) Glad I could help!


FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

Brilliant, I’m glad I could help. Sometime in the (hopefully near) future, I’ll think of a more realistic solution to this and an update will be pushed via BigBoss.

@lululombard I’ll leave this issue open until a proper fix is pushed.

lululombard commented 6 years ago

That’s great ! Let me know when you have a new version to release :)

lululombard commented 6 years ago

Update pushed to BigBoss, should be live in 48hrs max 😄