lululombard / CertRemainTime

A tool to know when your Electra/yalu (and some forks like Yalu Dark)/mach portal/Home Depot cert will expire.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
17 stars 11 forks source link

Adds support for TweakBox Electra 11.3.1 MultiPath and Meridian. #20

Closed FaZeIlLuMiNaTi closed 6 years ago

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

In this update:

If there are any issues, let me know - I'll try and get them fixed ASAP.

@lululombard, I removed some scripts that seem a little outdated - might integrate anything relevant into the Makefile eventually. If you're happy with these changes, go ahead and push the new deb to BigBoss 😄.

Closes issue Closes issue

lululombard commented 6 years ago

Btw, where's the .deb ? :p

EDIT: FML found it EDIT2: Has just been submitted to BigBoss!

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

I always leave it in packages 🤣. Sorry for any confusion!