lululombard / CertRemainTime

A tool to know when your Electra/yalu (and some forks like Yalu Dark)/mach portal/Home Depot cert will expire.
Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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yalu102 with Tweakbox #22

Closed lululombard closed 6 years ago

lululombard commented 6 years ago

Hey, someone reported that their version of yalu102 isn't compatible with CertRemainTime. Here's the plist cert:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
    <string>XC com ctvit ----</string>

If someone could implement this it would be great, thanks :)

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

I'll add support for this certificate (probably sometime in the next 24 hours). Did they mention where they downloaded yalu102 from?

lululombard commented 6 years ago

Nope, got no clue where this is coming from

lululombard commented 6 years ago

Oh wait don't add that, it looks like it's a cert from a porn app

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

Really? What makes you say that?

lululombard commented 6 years ago

It's coming from and it makes calls to which very much looks like a japanese porn website

FaZeIlLuMiNaTi commented 6 years ago

Just checked. Same AppIDName in the ipa you just linked. That app definitely seems related to porn - it contains "18page.html", and nothing related to yalu (or any other app-based jailbreak). I guess this issue should be closed?

lululombard commented 6 years ago

Yup! Case closed!