lululxvi / deeponet

Learning nonlinear operators via DeepONet
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Output as a Mutidimensional array #31

Closed HarondFinch closed 1 year ago

HarondFinch commented 1 year ago

Dear Prof.Lu, l see that the example codes you put here are codes that deal with scalar outputs, by saying 'scalar' l mean at each position or time instance where the output function is evaluated, the function is a scalar function. What if my output function is a vector function? Meaning that at each position(or moment), my output is like a two dimensiona vector?

And l want to know that, if l am going to use the Physics Informed version of DeepONet, like discribed in the Science Advance paper, how am l gonna use deepxde library to achieve that? Looking forward to your reply and thanks!

lululxvi commented 1 year ago

For multiple outputs, see

DeepXDE supports PI-DeepONet, and we will upload some examples later.