lululxvi / deeponet

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About the difference between the term "generalization error" and "test error" in the deeponet paper #43

Closed BraveDrXuTF closed 7 months ago

BraveDrXuTF commented 7 months ago

Dear Dr Lu, Hello, I want to ask a question about the difference between the term "generalization error" and "test error" in the deeponet paper. Here, you wrote 'the error of a neural network for previously unseen data', so I understood it as same as 'test error', image also, in some of the web results 1 2 seem also approve that: generalization error and test error are the same thing.

However, in fig. 3 abcd you gave subfigures with the test error and generalization error independently, that's why?


lululxvi commented 7 months ago

Here generalization error = test error - training error.

BraveDrXuTF commented 7 months ago

Thanks. I get it now.