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The data shape of the triplet if the number of input functions of branch nets is more than one? #9

Closed WangYicunZJU closed 2 years ago

WangYicunZJU commented 2 years ago

Hello: First of all, thank you very much for your excellent work! I have met a little problem. How to reshape the dataset (or change the code) if the number of input functions of branch nets is more than one? Just like G_phi in this paper("DeepM&Mnet: Inferring the electroconvection multiphysics fields..."), (c+, c-) -->phi. Or like G_rhoNO in this paper("DeepM&Mnet for hypersonics..."), (rho_N2, rho_O2) --> rho_NO. Specifically, what about the data shape of the triplet? Thanks in advance.

lululxvi commented 2 years ago

Good question. In the DeepMMnet paper, we simply concatenate the two functions into a long vector.

WangYicunZJU commented 2 years ago

Hello Dr. Lu, It is very nice to get your reply. Following your answer, I think the data of the branch nets may be like this: [ u1(x1), ..., u1(xm) ] for one input function u1; [ u1(x1), ..., u1(xm), u2(x1), ..., u2(xm) ] for two input function u1 & u2. Or like this: [ u1(x1), u2(x1),..., u1(xm), u2(xm) ] ? I think the former seems to be the case. Do I have the correct understanding? I am looking forward to your reply. Thanks in advance.

lululxvi commented 2 years ago

Yes, we use the former.

WangYicunZJU commented 2 years ago

OK, Dr. Lu. I think I have got it. Thanks again!