Dear Dr.Lu:
After I examined Deepxde's source code and the case of mf presented, I found no mention of how to incorporate physical information. As shown in the figure below, the ideas mentioned by Dr. Meng, the loss term MSEfe of physical information can be added to the total loss function. However, in Deepxde, the MfFunc function class seems to mention only the mathematical functions that incorporate multi-fidelity and low-fidelity, and not how to incorporate physical information.
Dear Dr.Lu: After I examined Deepxde's source code and the case of mf presented, I found no mention of how to incorporate physical information. As shown in the figure below, the ideas mentioned by Dr. Meng, the loss term MSEfe of physical information can be added to the total loss function. However, in Deepxde, the MfFunc function class seems to mention only the mathematical functions that incorporate multi-fidelity and low-fidelity, and not how to incorporate physical information.