Open lenarcikarek opened 2 years ago
This might be because you try to call
in a context higher than VRouter
. I would need to see more code to understand this precise issue
There is Vrouter in the Widget tree and it's visible in the context parent, take a look at the screenshot below. Also it has been triggered from method.
The exception you have is expected. As you can see it is catched in the catch
clause and therefore should not be an issue for your app. I think the reason why your app stop showing you this is because you set your debugger to catch any error, even those which are caught. To prevent this, uncheck "All Exceptions" in the "breakpoints" section of vscode:
Hi! While running debugging my app, the error bolded below appears. Please, tell me what to do to fix it, because I can't find any solution. Thanks in advance :)
VRouterScopeNotFoundException(widgetType: context.widget.runtimeType)
`static VRouterScopeData of(BuildContext context) { VRouterScopeData? vRouterScope = context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType();