lulupointu / vrouter

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VNester inside stacked routes #215

Open alhamed1 opened 1 year ago

alhamed1 commented 1 year ago

I work on an app with a main menu with nested navigation, and in the drawer, I have some routes which I want to be stacked, each one might have nested routes also, but given the routes blew I can't navigate to the accountStatement route.

final guardedRoutes = [
    path: "/",
    widgetBuilder: (child) {
      return RootLayout(
        child: child,
    nestedRoutes: mainRoutes.children
          (e) => VWidget(
            buildTransition: (animation, secondaryAnimation, child) =>
              opacity: animation,
              child: child,
            path: e.value!.route,
            widget: e.value!.child,
    stackedRoutes: mainChildren,

final mainChildren = [
    path: AccountStatementPage.route,
    aliases: [
    widgetBuilder: (child) {
      return AccountStatementPage(
        child: child,
    nestedRoutes: mainRoutes.children
          (e) => VWidget(
            buildTransition: (animation, secondaryAnimation, child) =>
              opacity: animation,
              child: child,
            path: e.value!.route,
            widget: e.value!.child,

examples: / => overview - nested 1 /bookmarks - nested 2 /accountStatement - stacked nested 1 ---> Gives error /accountStatement/preview - stacked nested 2

lulupointu commented 1 year ago

Your code structure is a bit hard to understand since everything is extracted. Could you provide a small reproducible example?