lumapu / ahoy

Various tools, examples, and documentation for communicating with Hoymiles microinverters
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[Bug] Wemos S2 Pico support #1311

Open ldrolez opened 6 months ago

ldrolez commented 6 months ago




I did the assebly by myself

nRF24L01+ Module

nRF24L01+ plus


circuit board

Power Stabilization

Elko (~100uF)

Connection picture



Github Hash


Build & Flash Method

ESP Tools (flash)


4 inverters + mqtt + oled display (included on wemos s2 board)

Debug Serial Log output

No response

Error description

PINs for the Wemos PICO S2 are not supported in the web gui. sch_s2_pico_v1.0.0.pdf

lumapu commented 6 months ago

ist das ein ESP32 im RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico 2040) Format? Kannst du hierfür einen PR einreichen?

ldrolez commented 6 months ago

ist das ein ESP32 im RP2040 (Raspberry Pi Pico 2040) Format?

50x23mm a bit larger

ldrolez commented 6 months ago

I found another bug with this board. Ahoy boots only when I connect a serial console on USB! Never seen this on other boards.

So if you use a power supply, no boot. If you plug it into a PC, no boot, unless I start minicom (linux).

ldrolez commented 6 months ago

Seems to be related to serial.flush

ldrolez commented 6 months ago

Is there a way to disable the serial console in settings? that could be a quick fix

ldrolez commented 4 months ago

I've removed serial code and recompiled, and it boots without a computer