lumapu / ahoy

Various tools, examples, and documentation for communicating with Hoymiles microinverters
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language #1479

Open jacques3629 opened 6 months ago

jacques3629 commented 6 months ago

Good morning

Sorry I'm going through a translator

Thanks for the software I use it every day I find it exceptional however Just a question When I download the version Install on my esp32 The version is in English When I did an update The version is in German How to keep the English version Do you plan in the future to change the language directly selectable on the configuration page


Peertje-62 commented 6 months ago

Hi, 240304_ahoy_0.8.90_e5c0e8e_esp32-wroom32.bin = English ''de.bin'' is German Unbenannt have a nice day

Peertje-62 commented 6 months ago

Don't install DEV ahoy_0.8.90 has a few bugs in settings

Gubi2023 commented 6 months ago

Don't install DEV ahoy_0.8.90 has a few bugs in settings

see also #1480

jacques3629 commented 6 months ago

Merci à tous

j'ai réinstallé la version 0.8.83 qui fonctionne très bien pour garder la version english je dois mettre à jour le firmware que sur les versions realease

Thank you all

I reinstalled version 0.8.83 which works very well to keep the english version I have to update the firmware only on the realease versions

Peertje-62 commented 6 months ago

Hi, (I am Dutch) The Development variant is also in English available.

Salut, (je suis néerlandais) La variante Développement est également disponible en anglais regards

jacques3629 commented 6 months ago

Hi, I'm French, I tried opendtu I didn't really like it, a lot of problems with my official dtu-pro gateway on the other hand, all in French Ahoy dtu is very good even better when it is multilingual


Peertje-62 commented 6 months ago

Hi, You should use only one DTU at the time (not two together at the same time) regards

lumapu commented 6 months ago

hi you're welcome to translate Ahoy to French, there are only two files which need to be translated.. For now we only have English and German versions.

jacques3629 commented 6 months ago

@ lumapu thank you what file, I don't know if I'm capable of it, I have no knowledge of programming Thank you again for the essential software to fill the gaps in the official gateway which refreshes the data every 15 minutes

ahoyddo you do 0 injection? the official gateway yes using both I have the best of all worlds monitoring every 5 s of 0 injection with the gateway hoymile

Peertje-62 commented 6 months ago

Hello Jacques, I have 3 panels 385 watts, east, south and west, each with a 300 watt inverter, this way I cover my average power consumption (during the day) & Open Fusion DTU regards

You69Man commented 6 months ago

hi you're welcome to translate Ahoy to French, there are only two files which need to be translated.. For now we only have English and German versions.

Some times ago I've already tried to do this with GPT, it's a task for a second, and the results looked very promising. Of course a review by a native french speaker would be reasonable afterwards just to be sure of the quality.

Prompt was something like, "This is a Json file that contains strings for German and for English internationalisation (i18n). Add the french versions." (I don't remember exactly, but this should work)

jacques3629 commented 6 months ago

@Peertje-62 hi, I have 21 PV 15 inverter, I manage to charge the EV ahoy dtu manages well, open dtu is limited with so many inverters although it is also excellent Sincerely

@You69Man gpt=chat gpt not available for me gemini from Google tells me that the program is also available in French

Additional Information :

 AhoyDTU is manufactured by the Danish company Ahoy ApS.
 AhoyDTU is available in several languages, including French.   
 You can contact AhoyDTU support by email or telephone.

I hope this translation was useful to you.

lumapu commented 6 months ago

@jacques3629 no Ahoy isn't available in French for now. This is the main language file I mentioned before:

The second one can be found here:

You69Man commented 6 months ago


Ceci est une première tentative de traduction d'Ahoy en français (site web et affichage). La traduction a été réalisée par GPT et n'est certainement pas parfaite. Elle devrait donc être contrôlée par un locuteur natif:

Dies ist ein erster Versuch Ahoy auf französisch zu übersetzen (Webseite sowie Display). Die Übersetzung stammt von GPT und ist sicher nicht perfekt. Sie sollte daher von einem Native Speaker kontrolliert werden:

Zwei Problemchen gibt es damit noch bei der Webdarstellung. Dieses hat glaube ich irgendwas damit zu tun, dass bei den Buttons die Texte automatisch auf Großschrift konvertiert werden (CSS?) und damit die HTML-Entitäten der französischen Sonderzeichen nicht mehr funktionieren: grafik

Und diese Texte zum "Datei auswählen" hab ich gar nicht gefunden... grafik

Der Rest schaut schon ganz gut aus.

lumapu commented 6 months ago

Datei auswählen kommt vom deinem Browser, das mit den Buttons muss ich mir mal näher anschauen

jacques3629 commented 5 months ago


hi, I added 4 panels + hms2000 inverter with AHYO-DTU the whole works very well with NRF24L01 + CMT2300A

with the official dtu-pro gateway the HM inverter works very well in parallel with AHYO-DTU I could do 0 injection while using AHYO-DTU + official DTU pro gateway with HM inverters

I received an official DTU WLITE S gateway for the 4 panels with the hms2000 I cannot get everything to work in parallel to make 0 injection

Does Ahoy dtu allow zero injection or will it allow it in the near future?

thank you for your work

lumapu commented 5 months ago

The HMS series are supported in the same way as the HM series. The HMS series has one crucial difference: Only one DTU can communicate at a time with the inverter. Maybe you get it working with two DTUs if the adjust the communication frequencies (can be done in inverter settings).

jacques3629 commented 5 months ago

thank you for the answer how to know the frequency of the official hoymilles DTU WLITE S gateway that communicates with the HMS series Google's Gemini AI tells me it communicates at 433.92 MHz on AHYODTU I set the frequency to 860.75 MHZ (-10DBm) that works well What do you suggest? THANKS

ps; I sent you a small contribution to your project, not much, just to encourage development software


lumapu commented 5 months ago

As I remember correctly the original DTU communicates on 863.0 Mhz. If you first start the original DTU and then Ahoy you will only get data in Ahoy if you found the correct frequency. (I never tried that and won't do 😊)

jacques3629 commented 5 months ago

Si je me souviens bien, le DTU d'origine communique sur 863,0 Mhz. Si vous démarrez d'abord le DTU d'origine, puis Ahoy, vous n'obtiendrez des données dans Ahoy que si vous avez trouvé la bonne fréquence.. (Je n'ai jamais essayé ça et je ne le ferai pas 😊)

Merci avec cette information, je vais pouvoir faire quelques tests chez hoymiles ça devient un peu n'importe quoi, j'ai acheté une passerelle officielle dtu-pro pour les HM après apparait de nouveaux onduleurs les hms pas compatible avec la serie HM j'achete de nouveaux une passerelle DTU W LITE S pour 4 panneaux HMS , mais la passerelle ne gère pas le power management heureusement que des logiciels comme Ahyo dtu , OPENDTU existe

jacques3629 commented 5 months ago


Thanks it works with dtu-pro-s & ahoy dtu