lume / element

Fast and simple custom elements.
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unable to narrow types with `ElementAttributes` with `noUncheckedIndexedAccess` enabled in tsconfig #21

Closed bigmistqke closed 1 month ago

bigmistqke commented 1 month ago

hey joe :wave:

i have been playing around with lume/elements to make custom-element export for solid-shiki-textarea.


I noticed that the attributes of the custom-element were always string, while I defined the type with a more narrow type:

class ShikiTextareaElement extends Element {
  @stringAttribute lang = 'tsx' as BundledLanguage

I extended the namespace with ElementAttributes<ShikiTextareaElement, ...>:

declare module 'solid-js/jsx-runtime' {
  namespace JSX {
    interface IntrinsicElements {
      'shiki-textarea': ElementAttributes<ShikiTextareaElement, 'cdn' | 'lang' | 'theme' | 'value'>

Own exploration

I had a look inside ElementAttributes:

export type ElementAttributes<
    SelectedProperties extends keyof ElementType,
    AdditionalProperties extends object = {},
> = WithStringValues<DashCasedProps<Partial<Pick<ElementType, SelectedProperties>>>> &
    AdditionalProperties &
    Omit<JSX.HTMLAttributes<ElementType>, SelectedProperties | keyof AdditionalProperties>

type WithStringValues<Type extends object> = {
    [Property in keyof Type]: Type[Property] extends string ? Type[Property] : Type[Property] | string

And found that the culprit was Type[Property] extends string.

Type[Property] is in my setup typed as BundledLanguage | undefined which causes it to not fullfill the conditional. Type[Property] | string causes the type to be widened to string.

The fact that Type[Property] is typed as BundledLanguage | undefined and not BundledLanguage is due to my tsconfig setting: "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true.


I was able to patch it to create the behavior that I wanted in the following way:

type WithStringValues<Type extends object> = {
    [Property in keyof Type]: NonNullable<Type[Property]> extends string ? Type[Property] : Type[Property] | string

where I wrapped Type[Property]> in a NonNullable to exclude undefined from its type.

I am not sure if this is the correct solution, that's why I preferred to write it up as an issue instead of a PR.

trusktr commented 1 month ago

@bigmistqke hello! That's interesting. What's the definition of BundledLanguage?

Tito told me about your repl. Pretty sweet, like how it pulls in the types! Can you paste the example in the repl and link here to try out?

trusktr commented 1 month ago

Oh wait does the repl have link sharing yet? If no, just paste types here, I can copy/paste.