lumien231 / Hardcore-Darkness

Minecraft mod that removes minimum light
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[BUG] Conflicts with Immersive Vehicle's headlights. #48

Open boot2big opened 4 years ago

boot2big commented 4 years ago

IV uses a different lighting system to the Vanilla system, using OpenGL to generate headlight beam models that light up your view. Too bad they don't quite like Hardcore Darkness... Their git here image

DonBruce64 commented 4 years ago

Immersive Vehicles dev here. I suspect this is an issue on my end, as the lights I render use some complex OpenGL blending calls that bypass the MC lightmap. Is there anything special you do with the rendering system besides changing the lightmapping of objects? Tried to install your mod in my development environment to run some tests but I see you're using ASM manipuation, which MDK doesn't like. At least, as far as I'm aware. More than happy to try and track this down on my end if you can give me a pointer as to where to start.

BoomerSchmirtz commented 1 year ago

Hey there! Any news on the subject?