lumiluminousai / golang-fp-utility

This Go package is crafted to help developers embrace functional programming paradigms in Go. With a suite of utility functions, this package encourages immutable coding practices, helping you move away from traditional mutable loops like for loops. Together
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need Pipeline function, Similar to Chain, but it allows you to explicitly chain multiple transformations into a single operation #38

Closed lumiluminousai closed 2 months ago

lumiluminousai commented 2 months ago

func Pipeline[T any](initial T, funcs ...func(T) T) T

Description: Similar to Chain, but it allows you to explicitly chain multiple transformations into a single operation. It can be especially useful when you want to process data through several independent steps.

Why: Provides a clean and declarative way to process data in multiple steps.

result := Pipeline(5, func(x int) int { return x * 2 }, func(x int) int { return x + 3 }) // result = 13