luminus-framework / luminus-template

a template project for the Luminus framework
MIT License
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Duplicated entries in project.clj :dependencies #51

Closed limist closed 10 years ago

limist commented 10 years ago

When creating a new luminus project with the options lein new luminus foosite +cljs +site +http-kit I'm seeing 3 duplicated entries in the project.cljs file under the :dependencies key:

[com.h2database/h2 "1.3.173"] [korma "0.3.0-RC6"] [log4j "1.2.17" :exclusions [javax.mail/mail javax.jms/jms com.sun.jdmk/jmxtools com.sun.jmx/jmxri]] [com.h2database/h2 "1.3.173"] [korma "0.3.0-RC6"] [log4j "1.2.17" :exclusions [javax.mail/mail javax.jms/jms com.sun.jdmk/jmxtools com.sun.jmx/jmxri]] [http-kit "2.1.11"]

yogthos commented 10 years ago

That's a good catch, I've just updated the template to ensure that duplicate dependencies aren't added. Should work as expected from now on.