luminus-framework / luminus-template

a template project for the Luminus framework
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Integrating Friend and Luminus causes a clojure.core.memoize error #77

Closed OliverM closed 10 years ago

OliverM commented 10 years ago

Attempting to add

[cemerick.friend :as friend](cemerick.friend [workflows :as workflows] [credentials :as creds])

to my luminus handler namespace causes the compiler to complain (snipped) ... namespace 'clojure.core.memoize' not found ...

Googling then adding the solution found at this LightTable issue fixes it:

(The workaround is to add

[org.clojure/core.cache "0.6.3"] [org.clojure/core.memoize "0.5.6" :exclusions [org.clojure/core.cache]]

to the project.clj dependencies).

OliverM commented 10 years ago

Looks like GH's auto-markdown swallowed the full namespace declaration, it should read

    [cemerick.friend :as friend]
                (cemerick.friend [workflows :as workflows]
                                 [credentials :as creds])
yogthos commented 10 years ago

so sounds like a problem with LT then?

OliverM commented 10 years ago

No, I'm using IntelliJ/Cursive - they encountered it too but it seems to be core.memoize that's the root cause (somehow).

On 6 Aug 2014, at 19:40, Dmitri Sotnikov wrote:

so sounds like a problem with LT then?

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yogthos commented 10 years ago

If I understand this correctly, the problem is that the core.memoize version needed by friend is not being pulled in correctly?

OliverM commented 10 years ago

I think so, and the additions to project.clj force the correct dependencies (without seeming to affect anything else, on first inspection)

On 6 Aug 2014, at 20:06, Dmitri Sotnikov wrote:

If I understand this correctly, the problem is that the core.memoize version needed by friend is not being pulled in correctly?

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yogthos commented 10 years ago

it looks like friend specifies core.cache "0.6.2" in its dependencies perhaps it needs to be updated to 0.6.3?

OliverM commented 10 years ago

Good point, I'll raise it on the Friend page. I would've gone there first only the issue doesn't arise in standalone Friend projects. Thanks for the help!