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Test failed in guestbook tutorial in 'Your First Application' #200

Closed lemonteaa closed 6 years ago

lemonteaa commented 6 years ago

When following the guestbook tutorial, the unit test in the section 'Adding some tests' failed with the following message:

C:\Users\Owner\Documents\clojure_web\guestbook>lein test
2017-10-14 00:20:42,385 [main] DEBUG org.jboss.logging - Logging Provider: org.jboss.logging.Slf4jLoggerProvider
2017-10-14 00:20:43,348 [main] INFO  guestbook.env -
-=[guestbook started successfully using the development profile]=-
2017-10-14 00:20:43,517 [main] INFO  luminus.http-server - starting HTTP server on port 3000
2017-10-14 00:20:43,615 [main] INFO  org.xnio - XNIO version 3.3.6.Final
2017-10-14 00:20:44,000 [main] INFO  org.projectodd.wunderboss.web.Web - Registered web context /

lein test guestbook.test.db.core
2017-10-14 00:20:44,428 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Starting migrations
2017-10-14 00:20:44,465 [main] INFO  migratus.database - creating migration table 'schema_migrations'
2017-10-14 00:20:44,548 [main] DEBUG migratus.migrations - Looking for migrations in in  #object[ 0x12a22dc4 C:\Users\Owner\Documents\clojure_web\guestbook\resources\migrations]
2017-10-14 00:20:44,571 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Running up for [20171013234027]
2017-10-14 00:20:44,572 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Up 20171013234027-add-users-table
2017-10-14 00:20:44,596 [main] DEBUG migratus.migration.sql - found 1 up migrations
2017-10-14 00:20:44,610 [main] DEBUG migratus.database - marking 20171013234027 complete
2017-10-14 00:20:44,621 [main] INFO  migratus.core - Ending migrations

lein test :only guestbook.test.db.core/test-users

FAIL in (test-users) (core.clj:28)
expected: {:name "Bob",
           :message "Hello, World",
           :timestamp #inst "2017-10-13T16:20:44.636-00:00"}
  actual: {:name "Bob",
           :message "Hello, World",
           #object[org.joda.time.DateTime 0x1e2ea153 "2017-10-13T16:20:44.636Z"]}
    diff: - {:timestamp #inst "2017-10-13T16:20:44.636-00:00"}
          + {:timestamp
             #object[org.joda.time.DateTime 0x1e2ea153 "2017-10-13T16:20:44.636Z"]}

lein test guestbook.test.handler

Ran 2 tests containing 4 assertions.
1 failures, 0 errors.
Tests failed.

Does the db library do automatic conversion to/from Jodatime somewhere? (Just a wild guess)

yogthos commented 6 years ago

The Jodatime conversion is triggered by clj-time.jdbc. It attempts to coerce dates coming back in results into Joda time objects:

(extend-protocol jdbc/IResultSetReadColumn
  (result-set-read-column [v _2 _3]
    (tc/from-sql-time v))
  (result-set-read-column [v _2 _3]
    (tc/from-sql-date v))
  (result-set-read-column [v _2 _3]
    (org.joda.time.DateTime. v)))

(extend-protocol jdbc/ISQLValue
  (sql-value [v]
(tc/to-sql-time v)))
yogthos commented 6 years ago

I updated the example to use JodaTime as follows:

(deftest test-message
  (jdbc/with-db-transaction [t-conn *db*]
    (jdbc/db-set-rollback-only! t-conn)
    (let [timestamp (org.joda.time.DateTime. org.joda.time.DateTimeZone/UTC)]
      (is (= 1 (db/save-message!
                {:name "Bob"
                 :message "Hello, World"
                 :timestamp timestamp}
                {:connection t-conn})))
      (is (=
           {:name "Bob"
            :message "Hello, World"
            :timestamp timestamp}
           (-> (db/get-messages t-conn {})
(select-keys [:name :message :timestamp])))))))
lemonteaa commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the explanation! (and code search I suppose 😉 ) It works now 👍

cyrexcyborg commented 5 years ago

It seems like tests from repository and tests from tutorial are'nt syncronised. I've got hard times to figure out what is happening, then repo version saved my life. Please update section "Adding some tests" in guestbook application like in this line

yogthos commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the heads up, updated the docs accordingly.