Currently, the bricks are created using brick create -n {name}. This is hard for developers who don't understand the whole ecosystem. This proposal is to create a template store which extends the base implementation of bricks and provides protobufs, configurations and validations to commonly used bricks.
Example 1: Simple example for creating a brick from detection brick
Currently, the bricks are created using
brick create -n {name}
. This is hard for developers who don't understand the whole ecosystem. This proposal is to create a template store which extends the base implementation of bricks and provides protobufs, configurations and validations to commonly used bricks.Example 1: Simple example for creating a brick from detection brick
brick create --name helmet-detector --from-templates cv/detection
Detection brick template with necessary proto files, configurations, and validations
Example 2: If the command line argument
, is provided, an input brick template will be returned.Input
brick create --name question-answering --from-templates nlp/squad -i
SQUAD input brick, with proto files, configurations, and validations